147: Eschatology That Honors Scripture

Jeremy responds to some portions of the recent Evening of Eschatology that took place in Louisville, KY, while also examining an old X post from Joel Webbon. It gets lively—and it all fits together. Just trust the process.


Watch the Evening of Eschatology (2025) in full here: https://youtu.be/GQlqARfSEJA?si=Z0UkAprssng0BDTn 

Watch the original Evening of Eschatology (2009) in full here: https://youtu.be/4S0TQ2dXnms?si=yiR_zkuP0V0_pNTJ 

Dr. Alan Kurschner’s critique of the Amillennial recapitulation theory: https://www.alankurschner.com/2025/02/17/a-critique-of-the-most-common-amillennial-recapitulation-argument-in-the-book-of-revelation

A link to Jeremy’s book, in which Appendix A lists one- and two-passage doctrines: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A95UzZpUXBrRu8b8t7n2yGWbGksXjYfL/view 


0:00 Introduction

1:13 The Evening of Eschatology

7:10 Weirdness Is Not a Good Reason

13:40 Is Revelation 20 a Clear Text?

16:55 Premillennial Hermeneutics

19:22 Can Revelation 20 Alone Prove Premillennialism?

24:09 Postmillennial Hermeneutics

27:00 Problems with Postmillennial Hermeneutics

32:04 Amillennial Hermeneutics

33:30 The Recapitulation Theory

36:05 What about Zechariah 14?

40:49 Failure to Embrace the OT Prophets 

46:51 Joel Webbon Post

51:19 My Repost and Its Replies

55:47 Concluding Encouragements

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